
September 21, 2011


To my housemate, SHEYNE, who will be off to Singapore next month......

this is "not goodbye".....
................... only " 'til we meet again"

September 20, 2011

psalm 16:11

You will make known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.

September 14, 2011

what do you see??


They say, an OPTIMIST would focus on what he or she observes what is in the glass so he/she would say it's   "Half-Full"; while a PESSIMIST, on the other hand, will focus on what is missing so he/she would say it's "Half-Empty".

Situations depend on how you perceive it.

Now... what do you see??

To my housemates, the glass and the plate may look familiar...   ^_^