
November 29, 2011


Courtesy of Minmin

he and she.
he: lucky must be the guy who has your heart.
she: yes. very lucky.
another girl came approaching he.
she: who is she?
he: the girl who has my heart.
she: she is luckier. she's got the heart of the guy who has my heart.

November 24, 2011

book it #4 --> New Moon / stephenie meyer

The plan hasn't broken yet, Breaking Dawn part 2 will be shown on November 16, 2012(what a relief!).. I just watched Part 1 last sunday.............. and I'll be just taking my time reading the last two books...

November 22, 2011.  The day I finished reading this book. 'Tis the day I can now write this blog. :D

**NEW MOON**   must be Stephenie Meyer's version of  The Romeo and Juliet story. Fortunately, unlike Romeo and Juliet, the book didn't end up a tragedy. I also remember, when this movie was shown, the world just suddenly splitted into two - "Team Edward"??  or  "Team Jacob"??   oooooohhhhhh!!!

My top 2 favorite movie and book parts:
1. pages 475-476
            I looked at Jane, too, she no longer smiled. She glared at me, her jaw clenched with the intersity of her focus. I shrank back, waiting for the pain.
            Nothing happened.
            Edward was by my side again. He touched Alice's arm, and she surrendered me to him.
            Aro started to laugh, "Ha, ha, ha," he chuckled. "This is wonderful!"
            Jane hissed in frustration, leaning forward like she was preparing to spring.
            "Don't be put out, dear one," Aro said in a comforting tone, placing a powder-light hand on her shoulder. "She confounds us all."

2. page 510
            "But how could you believe me? After all the thousand times I've told you I love you, how could you let one word break your faith in me?"
             I didn't answer. I was too shocked to form a rational response.
            "I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn't want you anymore. The most absurd, ridiculous concept - as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!"